The picture is from last summer, and it is of my daughter Ida Celine, who had just turned 5 years, and got her first two-wheel PINK bike. ( You can't actually see the bike in this picture, but she is on it, and it is in a series of many pictures of her and the bike)
She didn't need training wheels, because she had thaught herself how to ride it in kindergarden, and was very proud of that..(and it was a very proud mother who had watched her in kinderg, running down a small hill, like a 100 times to get the balance right :D That's the spirit Ida; Love you!!)
Here are the rules for this challenge:
*Open the folder "my pictures".
*In the 6th folder, take the 6th picture and post it on your blog.
*Write something about the picture.
*Challenge 6 new people to join this challenge.
*Put a link in their blog to let them know they are challenged.
I challenge:
1 kommentar:
Så flott bilde!!! Og så STOLT hun ser ut!!! :)))
Ha en fin dag! Her er jeg kjedeligvis syk... :C Men håper å være frisk og rask snart...! *klem*
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